About Us

Our Team

The Educators believe that children learn and develop in an early childhood environment where they are happy and secure. We believe that the quality of the physical environment is essential to the well-being of the children and staff and that coupled with a quality educational programme, the parents will be confident that the choices they have made for their child’s education and care are the right ones. We also believe that quality Early Childhood experiences promote the development of the child and will increase the opportunity for success through the child’s life.

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    Kim Williams

    Centre Manager

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    Erin Ashe


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    Phoebe Hwang

    Kakapo's Nest Team Leader

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    Kelly Avaiki

    Pukeko Team Leader

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    Lupe Vatuvei

    Kea Team Leader

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    Fay Brown

    Tui Team Leader

Our Philosophy

We endeavour to provide children with a rich curriculum that fosters their identity as a successful learner. The learning environment provides opportunities for children to learn through play within an enjoyable and fun atmosphere. Risk taking and exploration are actively encouraged.

Professional and trusting relationships are nurtured between teacher’s children and their families. Teachers are attuned to children’s cues and respond appropriately. We strive to work in partnership with whānau to ensure parent’s aspirations for their child’s on-going learning are met.

Respect for self, others and the environment is modelled at all times. Inquiry based learning is encouraged where children can explore and develop the skills and knowledge to be a critical thinker. Teachers recognise a child’s interest and use this as a catalyst for supporting children to develop learning dispositions along with new skills and knowledge.

Social competence is a key focus within the curriculum and promoting independence and self-help skills forms the foundation for preparing children to become life-long learners. Children are supported to take responsibility for their own learning and are encouraged to share it with those around them.

We value inclusiveness and understanding and accepting all differing cultures and beliefs. Commitment to the bi-cultural partnership inherent in Aotearoa New Zealand is evident in all aspects of our practice.

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