About Us
Our Team
We believe that children learn and develop best in an early childhood environment where they feel happy and secure. The quality of the physical environment plays a crucial role in the wellbeing of both children and staff. When this is combined with a high-quality educational programme, parents can feel confident that the choices they have made for their child’s education and care are the right ones. We also believe that quality early childhood experiences foster the development of children and enhance their opportunities for success throughout their lives.
Kim Williams
Centre Manager
Erin Ashe
Phoebe Hwang
Kakapo's Nest Team Leader
Kelly Avaiki
Pukeko Room Team Leader
Savannah Barrack
Kea Room Team Leader
Lupe Vatuvei
Tui Room Team Leader
Our Philosophy
At Eden we acknowledge the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and seek to implement these into the everyday life of our centre as we meaningfully incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. An important element of our centre culture is valuing and celebrating the cultural identity of all our whānau and tamariki.
Professional and trusting relationships are nurtured between kaiako, tamariki and whānau. As a team we build partnerships between the centre and home to ensure parent’s aspirations for their tamariki are weaved into our local curriculum. Emotional and social competence is a key focus within the curriculum and supporting tamariki to develop and maintain friendships will prepare them to live confidently in the wider world.
Respect for self, others and the environment is promoted and reflected in all aspects of our teaching practice. We are passionate about nurturing tamariki to keep healthy in mind, body and soul feeding their capacity to enhance their emotional and social competence.
The importance of every learner gaining sound foundational skills is a priority within all aspects of our intentional teaching. Oral language is a key building block for all tamariki to understand, recognise and use language, literacy and maths concepts and symbols.
An engaging learning environment provides opportunities for tamariki to learn through play while encouraging risk taking, exploration and engaging in a wide range of creative experiences.
Inquiry based learning is encouraged where tamariki can explore and develop the skills and knowledge to become a critical thinker including questioning and problem solving. Kaiako recognise the individual interests of tamariki and use these as a catalyst for supporting the development of learning dispositions along with new skills and knowledge.
Our curriculum is designed to support tamariki to learn how to learn while enhancing their mana and learner identity as a successful learner.